EPS is mainly focused on the disinfection of various surfaces
and environments contaminated by bacterial pathogens.
The most important part of the consortium is G. Eliava
Institute of Bacteriophages, Microbiology and Virology
(Eliava Institute) that is the World-known Institute for phage
research and application.
Eliava Phage Services
EPS is mainly focused on the disinfection of various surfaces and environments contaminated by bacterial pathogens.
The most important part of the consortium is G. Eliava Institute of Bacteriophages, Microbiology and Virology
(Eliava Institute) that is the World-known Institute for phage research and application.
Eliava Phage Services
EPS is mainly focused on the disinfection of various surfaces and environments contaminated by bacterial pathogens.
The most important part of the consortium is G. Eliava Institute of Bacteriophages, Microbiology and Virology
(Eliava Institute) that is the World-known Institute for phage research and application.
Eliava Phage Services

Technology includes the application of bacteriophages via a
specific device – a fogger for decontamination of various
surfaces infected by bacteria. Bacteriophages are the most
abundant biological entities on earth.
EPS Technology
Technology includes the application of bacteriophages via a specific device – a fogger for
decontamination of various surfaces infected by bacteria. Bacteriophages are the most
abundant biological entities on earth.
EPS Technology
Technology includes the application of bacteriophages via a specific device – a fogger for
decontamination of various surfaces infected by bacteria. Bacteriophages are the most
abundant biological entities on earth.
EPS Technology

Eliava Phage Services
Eliava Phage Service (EPS) is a company focused on application of phage-based products for environmental protection, sanitation and decontamination of different environments infected with bacterial pathogens.
EPS provides its service to evaluate level of bacterial contamination in medical settings, identify cause of hospital (nosocomial) infections, select appropriate specific bacteriophages against contaminating bacterial agent and apply a specific device - fogger with a phage for decontamination purposes.
Bacteriophage (phage) is a virus of bacteria that selectively kills pathogenic bacteria. Phage, so called “good” virus effectively kills target bacteria – causative agent of various hospital-acquired infections.
Why Choose Us
EPS uses ecologically friendly approach to fight bacterial infections, including those that are cause by antibiotic-resistant bacteria. We use Microfogger delivery system with bacteriophage to disinfect healthcare environments.
Phages are the viruses of bacteria
- Highly specific for the target bacteria
- NO damage on normal microflora
- NOT toxic
- NO resistance is developed after phage application
- NO serious side effect (while use for therapy)
- Effective against life-threatening bacteria
Microfogger generates aerosol like a gas
- Fills an enclosed environment
- Reaches inaccessible areas
- Contact all surfaces

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